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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Time to Start Over...

Woah... it has been 6 years since I wrote here! I actually thought I had deleted this blog a long time ago because I didn't use it. So today I decided I wanted to start writing again for several reasons which I will explain in a moment, and I went to create a new blog and I found my old one! Then I began to read my old posts and the tears began to flow because all of those feelings. My thoughts from 6 years ago just reminded me of why I began to write them in the first place and that I truly have missed sharing my thoughts...even if the audience is small...or possibly non-existent! Ha! But even then, I have missed sharing my thoughts and I am excited to start again!

My oh my, how life has changed in the past 6 years! I got married, moved back to San Angelo, began working at the BEST job in the world, Reed began working at a job he loves and also completed 2 Masters degrees and a whole lot of other things that span the roller coaster of life.

So I decided today to begin sharing my thoughts and events of life again in hopes to do several things:
1. Keep myself accountable on my journey to better health and well-being. If I share about my journey, I am much more likely to keep it up.
2. Share about my life-both the positive and the negative- to possibly be a light to others who could be going through the same things as I have.
3. Share my love of Jesus, music, and teaching to the world.

There is no specific topic to this space. Just a place for me to express who I am day by day. I am excited to start this journey again!


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